
The future of temporary recruitment and hiring is here!

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Hire global, Hire Now!

We’re an HR Tech company specialized in recruiting and hiring global talents.

We drive the strategic success of your company and strengthen your employer branding through tailored solutions, 24/7 support, customized onboarding, and exclusive benefits for your team at no additional cost.

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Custom-tailored solutions to meet your business strategic demands.

Temporary Workforce Solutions

Whether to meet seasonal demand spikes or accelerate the delivery of specific projects, our Temporary Workforce service is the agile, effective, and cost-efficient solution you need.


Enhance efficiency by entrusting operational activities to a specialized team, ensuring greater productivity and strategic focus for your internal team.


Rely on the best talents in the market! With Hire Now Company®, your company can connect with professionals located in over 5,000 cities in Brazil and 400 cities around the world.

Companies that trust on Hire Now Company ®

Hire talents in 40+ countries.

Descubra como podemos te ajudar a alcançar talentos globais de forma rápida e 100% online.

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